Sunday, March 14, 2010

my trip to cvs

I was so excited today about the cvs deodorant deal, that I walked to cvs since I dont have a car, and every one works today. There was 2 reason why I didnt want to wait till later, I had a coupon for $3/15, and I didnt want them to be gone, if everyone else was getting 6 at a time, I'm sure they would go pretty fast.
I look on about 10 different blogs to find good deals for cvs, walgreens, walmart, and target.
I seen how a couple differnt ones were saying how you could pay $6/6 deodorant, or $.15 each, and so on, so I went and I printed coupons. (I am almost out of ink, and my ink is expensive) So, I stroll my son down to CVS, about a 25 minute walk one way, to discover that the other bloggers didnt have all the information to the sale. The coupons they were saying to print, were not for the items on sale. It was a pretty big bummer :(. I was disappointed. I just ended up getting a newspaper, and a single roll of CVS paper towels. (They gave me $1.00 coupon when I scanned my card @ the scanner.) Atleast I got some exercise out of the whole thing. Just remember yes bloggers try to help you as much as they can, sometimes they dont always know all the information up front, like me. Just be careful!

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